Monday, November 17, 2008


copyright JulianOnePlanet Publications Nov. 17th 2008

The spot price of silver has been falling steadily in recent months along with everything else and now we see silver under $10.00 per oz.right?.....WRONG.

You won't hear this on the news. THE PRICE IS GOING UP NOT DOWN! Paper purchase contracts (futures) aren't being filled. The supply is being more than absorbed. J&M is COMPLETELY SOLD OUT OF ALL BULLION (no bullion at gold, silver, platinum nor even paladium) for the first time in many, many years.. Retail prices for silver bullion on the street and on line are in the $CND 25.OO RANGE.

The mints aren't shipping, they don't have the blanks. The RCM is taking orders for March 2009. Coin dealers around the world are sold out.
Where do we go from here?. Most investors are holding their positions. Those seeking to add tangible assets in the form of precious metals are paying the street price when supplies can be located.
Virtually all investment advisors recommend holding 5 to 10% of an investment portfolio in precious metal but many people have forgotten that silver is precious metal.
Futures expire, SILVER NEVER DOES. Silver does not represent wealth...SILVER IS WEALTH!

Cash is king at the order desk now. Payment is being asked for in full to hold orders for future delivery.
It might be best to pay the street price for Silver Maple Leafs if one needs some when they can be found. The longterm trend is higher and even the large dealers like J&M have standing orders that have not been filled for months. And theirs will be filled first when they are.
The annual silver deficit has been in evidence for nearly twenty years and the recent rush to tangible assets has crystalized the situation this year.
The US fed has sold all of its SIX BILLION OUNCES. Unlike gold, the central banks don't have the reserves to sell to hold the price down. That's why the US mint can't mint eagles...there's no silver left.
A mini position in the futures market may be the only way to get quality silver at close to spot price. However it may take several months for delivery...a distressing situation for someone keen to hold "weight in the hand" rather than paper during turbulent times.
In addition for reasons inexplicable as well there is disparity in the currency markets as well. The Canadian dollar is down over 20% this year further complicating matters. I'll have a lot more to write on this and related subjects in the months to come.
My advice is to buy a few ounces when you find them.

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